Xara Web Designer 365
This simple web page, which took about half an hour to create from a
blank page, shows a few of the Web Designer 365 new features.
Parallax scroll
The top pagoda photo, and the heading, have parallax scrolling values
applied, so as you scroll the page up, the image and heading scroll at
different rates to the rest of the page. (Better to see the effect using
the scroll bar, not the mouse scroll wheel.)
Stick at the top
The NavBar is set to ‘stick at the top’ so it scrolls until it reaches the top
of the page and then sticks to that point, so the navigation controls are
always visible on the page. (The buttons don’t go anywhere.)
On Reveal animations
The image, right, has a fade-in reveal effect, so the first time, and each
time you scroll it on, it does a smooth fade-in effect. The icons below
have a different reveal animation.
Scroll animations
The images below, in this column, have a new scroll animation. The
ones in this column fade in/out depending on the scroll position. The
images on the right side, have a fade and slide in effect. In this case
they are clipped to the page, but page clipping is optional.
All these reveal and scroll effects are as simple as placing the item on
the page, selecting an animation type from a drop-down list.
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exercitation proident officia dolor. Labore do eiusmod aliqua!
Incididunt labore ut aute. Dolor officia cillum ullamco elit eiusmod sit,
culpa sed.
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ea? Cupidatat sed minim dolore veniam adipisicing ex labore et in
ipsum culpa nisi est, eiusmod officia est.
A ‘stick at the top’ bar
This photo has an ‘on reveal’ fade-in effect.
These icons, from the symbol library of more than
1500 designs, also have an on-reveal effect.
The following photos all have a scroll-animation
where the position and fade is proportional to the
vertical scroll position.